parallelsORfusion wrote:
Damn - tried to reinstall it and now the whole virtual machines seems broken and I can only see a black screen. It's been like this for 30 mins and I can't restart it!!
Seems pretty poor that you upgrade to v6 and need to manually update the vmtools and it crashes. Not helped by hopeless online help.
Sorry to hear you're having problems. I'll try to help....
1) Did you uninstall Tools cleanly and reboot your VM first? Did this work? Were you able to use the VM after rebooting? Some things won't work as well (that's why we have VMware Tools), but you should be able to login and interact with the VM.
2) Did you install Tools? Is this where you're hitting the black screen problem? I seem to recall that some machines had a problem where the VM screen would go black when Tools changed the video driver (happens when you uninstall, install, or reinstall Tools). Maybe you're hitting that problem? You might try powering off the VM and starting it up again to see if that fixes the problem for you. I don't think anything has crashed, necessarily, it's just that you can't see the contents of the VM, right?
Also, to address your other comment, you shouldn't need to manually update VMware Tools when you upgrade to Fusion 6. You said you had a problem and I was trying to help. Updating Tools is one of the things that you normally need to (or at the very least should) do when you upgrade Fusion. I was just trying to help you overcome any potential problems that might have been caused by doing "update" instead of "uninstall and then install".
Anyway, let me know how you're making out over there. I'd still like to help you get this working. =:)