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Lost random network in file server Windows 2012




As usual, I'll start by saying that it workedbefore

The problem occured Mondaymorning.


The file serverin2012randomlyloses networkconnection.

This can happenafter 2hours asafter 30minutes.

The file server have alsothe role ofprint server.


Thevirtualserverwith8GB ofRAMand3VCPUonESXi5.1.

All otherservers on the sameswitchdoes nothavethis behavior.

Andthe cutdid not last longbetween1 and3 minutesusually.


When Ilook inthe logsIhave absolutely nowarningorerrorand noeventtonightwarninglasthappened yesterdayand I'vebeenfull ofproblemstodaydeco.

For InfoIIPV6activatedas well asdomain controllers(2012+forest and domain).

Duringthis breakthe net andDNS resolution is okon computer.


I also testedby removingthe virtual network adaptere1000by replacingavmxnet3.

FollowingaVMwareandMicrosoftKBI alsoenabledRSS thatwas notthe default.

I alsoreinstalled theVMwareTools.


I sawon the netas possibleresolutionsby turningontheserver"side receivedscalling" network or"Checksum Offload" card but I'd ratherhave an opinionbefore acting.


TrendMicroAntivirus,FilezillaServerandBackup Exec Agent2012 are installed on this server.

Noother software.


I checkedeverywherebut then Ido not understandat allwhere itcan come.


Thank youin advance for yourbackbecausethen Istuckserious.

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