Hey guys,
this is driving me insane. I am trying to get a machine onto a host windows 2008 r2. I have set it up from the start and it just won't see the network. I tried to give it a static and it won't see the network, nor will it see it with dhcp. I went onto hp's website as it is dl380 g7 and it's using esxi 5 but the only drivers there are ones that are integrated into the esxi version (not just standard windows drivers). This environment wasn't setup by me so I really am at a loss as to why this is happening. I have also tried all the available network card options on the same v-switch that other 2008 r2 machines are located on but nothing works. So then I created an xp machine and that went on fine, no problem, straight away. so it would indicate that it's probably a driver issue with 2008 but when I look at the pro1000 driver being used on the live machines and the one on my newly created machine they are exactly the same. I'm seriously not getting this at all... Any ideas here guys? (and no another crowd setup this environment and they're long gone and not responding to questions so that door is closed for me )