Re: Curso de VMware
Fiz o meu curso oficial e em seguida me certifiquei VCP passei com 411 pontos! Agora penso em fazer a VCAP.. O curso Install Configure e manage fiz na linuxclass...
View ArticleRe: How to create a vApp with multiple hard disk
Please have a look...,Milton
View ArticleRe: Posso fazer a prova VCP sem ter o curso ?
Fiz o meu curso oficial na linuxclass que ganhei um voucher para a pearson vue e acabei pagando no exame só 120 reais.Passei com...
View ArticleRe: Listing all attributes in a scriptable object
If it's a Properties type there is a 'keys' attribute: var arrayOfKeys = propObj.keys; If it's a plain old js object you can use a for loop: var obj = {"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}; var keys =...
View ArticleRe: Treinamento VMware online
Achei um treinamento oficial vmware online para certificação vcp na linuxclass eu já sou certificado VCP dai vou aguardar eles...
View ArticleRe: ESXi Networking
The main theme is when you are connecting with vswitch to vswitch in this case you have to configure this port trunk.All 4 NIC should be access port.Regards,Milton
View ArticleRe: Monitoring the appliance
I am also looking for a way to monitor collections programmatically for v3.1. I have several usage meters installed, and it is not very practical to log into each UI regularly to check the "Monitor"...
View ArticleRe: Windows Server 2008 32Bit standard on esxi 5.1
Welcome to the Community - Yes your can - Virtual Machines can run 32 bit operating systems It is the servers that vSphere run on that must be 64 bit machines
View ArticleRe: Network Shared Drives Performing Extremely Slow
Welcome to the Community - how is many ESXi hosts are you running? How is the network configured for the VMs?
View ArticleRe: Split Screen on Workstation 7
This may help you ..,Milton
View ArticleRe: VHD file to VMDK
You can - check out page 47 of
View ArticleProblems virtualizing my crashed home computer, please help.
It looks like my system board fried. So, I thought, why not take the hard-drive out, put it in an external enclosure and virtualize the machine. Went to Best Buy and bought a SATA - USB3 external...
View ArticleRe: Query for IP address and assign value to variable
This is work fine... Regards,Milton
View ArticleRe: clipboard syncing erratically doesn't work
marc/beej666, Thanks a lot for your input and I have engaged with our Dev through an internel ticket 1079086. thanks a lot for your patience.I am sorry that I did not have any idea why you could not...
View ArticleRe: vSphere Infrastructure planning - Essentials Plus
Thanks heaps, It does seem a bit too complex for what it achieves as you point out, Could I ask your opinion on the attached?- basically add another NFS store, have 2 datastores on each with each host...
View ArticleRe: Problem with get-stat command and scripting
It worked! Thank you. Turns out that I had forgotten I need not only resource pool data but also ESX-host data as well.What would the script be like if ESX daily stat csv files were in the same folder...
View ArticleRe: View User Sessions - Report
Please have a look.. Regards,Milton
View Articlewhat kind of vm-OS can be backed up with vmware data protection?
Hi all, can I use VDP to backup domain controller, exchange cas&hub, AD Certificate service server in virtualization? thanks.
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