Re: Best design for using 8 physical NICs on an ESXi 5.1 host
If I want to add backup traffic into the mix of Paul's design, what would be the best way to do that? My backup traffic, such as traffic to backup virtual machines that runs nightly, is going to be on...
View ArticleRe: vmFusion 5 on Mac Mini
2. Today, when I tried to open Fusion, I'm getting the Virtual machine library window - but I cannot get to the Windows 7 desktop. I've never seen this before. Wonder if it's related to the license...
View ArticleRe: make sure the virtual machine's configuration allows the guest to open...
ALadd134 wrote: I had a similar problem that was solved by changing the default handlers for HTTP and HTTPS as detailed in this post:Mark Minasi's Reader Forum - IIS 8 - Server 2012 - Cannot Browse...
View ArticleRe: Using update manager to update firmware
OK thanks for the info. Part of the goal here is to not have to visit every ESXi host individuallly. I am running vCenter Server, and SIM is an option. Could I then do all of my online updates for...
View ArticleRe: Will my training transcripts update with my VCAP-DCA results when results...
MyLearn transcripts are actually VMware's: From what I gather, some folks have received emails with instructions for updating their MyLearn transcript manually, and others...
View ArticleRe: Best design for using 8 physical NICs on an ESXi 5.1 host
Yes I would place the backup traffic within the same switch that management and vMotion is located whether using vSS or vDS. The other option would be to scale down your vDS for NFS Traffic from 4...
View ArticleRe: FreeBSD support?
filbo wrote: Unfortunately this does not solve the problem I was trying to solve, which is: make the FreeBSD console window very small, but completely visible, without doing OS/X window-size dragging....
View ArticleRe: .scexe on SSH toESX5i
For what its worth I'm having the same issue.Before running chmod 777 against the file in question I did get Permission denied.After granting permission I get the "not found" error. HP has been stumped...
View ArticleRe: Cannot connect to Serengeti Server
Did you try deploying the Serengeti OVA with Initialize Resources check box set and setting the default vc sso lookup service url to https://<vc-server-ip>:7444/lookupservice/sdk as chenz wrote?...
View ArticleRe: How to connect a client virtual machine to an Sql Server (host) without...
no it is not better, the same "timeout" message. I tried with both windows authentication and sql server sa account.
View Articleexternal database jdbc url when using a postgres master-slave cluster
Hi I have read the document here Scaling for the Information Explosion: Master-Slave Cluster with vFabric Postgres 9.2 on vSphere | VMware vFabric Blog -… and the document that details how to setup...
View ArticleFailed VCP5-DV
Yes, this is yet another thread for me to vent out my frustration. I support a fairly large environment alone and feel I have a pretty strong grasp on things. I admit we don't use resource pools,...
View ArticleRe: vmFusion 5 on Mac Mini
Appreciate your suggestions, WoodyZ. I've attached the .tgz file and also a screenshot of the window I'm seeing when I run Fusion.Clicking on the thumbnail of the desktop does not bring it up (as I...
View ArticleRe: Horizon View 5.2 and Entrust e-grid Compatibility
AFAIK, Entrust e-grid is not one of the RADIUS vendors we worked with when this RADIUS feature was added. In my article VMware View 5.1 RADIUS Authentication Setup I list some of the vendors that have...
View ArticleRe: Esxi host unable to connect Vcenter server 5.1
can you send the screenshot of the licensing page with hidden licenses and expand the product section. it seems esxi is not assigned the concerned license and is shown under evaluation
View ArticleVirtualisierung von USB Kartenleser
Guten Morgen Zusammen, für mich ist die VMware ESX Welt noch absolutes Neuland.Bisher habe ich mich nur mit Hyper-V beschäftigt. Seit 3 Wochen bin ich bei einem neuen Arbeitgeber (Spedition), der ESX...
View ArticleRe: Restrict the size of VMware Snapshot
You dont have an option to set limit on snapshot size, but you have an option to control the max number of snapshots created on VM.
View ArticleRe: Physical Drive details in Smart Array
Maybe VMware Front Experience: How to run the HP Online ACU CLI for Linux in ESXi 4.x is something that's interesting for you!? André
View ArticleRe: SOAP Plugin not authenticating webservices
What is the version of SOAP plugin? To enable additional debu info edit {VCO_INSTALLATION_FOLDER}/aap-server/server/vmo/conf/log4.xml for something like <!-- =======================...
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