Re: Create Hardware Report
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich bin bis einschließlich 15.07.2013 nicht im Haus und habe in diesem Zeitraum nur eingeschränkten Zugriff auf meine E-Mails. In dringenden Fällen wenden Sie sich bitte...
View ArticleRe: Port mirroring available with vswitch or only dvswitch?
So the ESXi side is completely unaware of the mirroring in your setup? In that case it should not make any difference whether you use a standard or distributed vSwitch. The forwarding logic is exactly...
View ArticleRe: Programs installed from CDs do not work in an app layer
I am sorry I am not able to answer why there would be empty folders after the capture. I apologize
View ArticleFailed VCP5 exam today :(
Hello VMware Community So I came back from taking the test today depressed as I failed miserably 223 points out of 500,which obviously 300 is passing. Here is my background. I took the ICM course, i...
View ArticleRe: Need Help Troubleshooting Disk I/O Performance Please..
Hi, Disabling cache could cause performance issue. However you can check the vmekrnel logs for more information to see if anything else is causing the problem. RegardsMohammed
View ArticleAssigning IPs to each VM Ubuntu using VMWare EXSi 5, with vSphere Client.
Have a dedicated server running EXSi5 and 10 VM Ubuntu 12.04 LTS systems. I'm having trouble however attaching each one's specific IP. I want to use each one, some for family, work etc with remote...
View ArticleRe: Missing primary/arrayManager/connection[secondary] section in configuration.
I have the same Issue, please share the solution, ThanksLuis
View ArticleRe: Disabling printer redirection for remote users only
Hi, Refer this RegardsMohammed
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to have multiple ticket reports?
Brilliant! The 'Get Report Item ID' query was the missing link I was looking for. Thanks a lot!
View ArticleRe: vmrun quits after logout even when run as root
Since it not supported this is not a VMware issue per se and keeping a process alive in this situation is an OS X issue so you might what to look to more OS X centric forums looking how to keep a...
View Article" YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO LOGIN TO SERVER" when connet to ESXi host via...
getting error " YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO LOGIN TO SERVER" when connect to the ESXi host via vsphere client.
View ArticleRe: vmrun quits after logout even when run as root
What is your problem? If you don't know the answer just hold your tongue. Now you've littered my post. If you think this is an OSX issue from my description you don't understand launchd.
View ArticleRe: vmrun quits after logout even when run as root
I could say then say the same thing! What is your problem and since this topic has already been covered you're littering the forum too! Have a read of a discussion I started some time ago, Running a...
View ArticleRe: Failing to navigate to plugin registration page after deploying vApp
Hello, The vSphere Big Data Extensions Administrator's and User's Guide listed the wrong URL with which register the plug-in. This has since been corrected, and a new version of the documentation has...
View ArticleRe: ESX4.0について
myamamotoさん、gowatanaさん有難うございます。 要件として>1.ゲストが停止可能か>2.どのレベルまでリストアできればいいのか>3.バックアップは自動?手動?>4.タイミングは日次?月次?任意?>5.リストア先は同じ環境になるのか?変更の可能性はあるのか? ゲストOSは停止可能。OS丸ごとリストアが出来れば問題なし。バックアップは自動。タイミングは日次。リストア先は変わる場合あり。...
View Article"Loading, please wait.." message on workflow values
I'm getting this when attempting to modify attributes defined in the general section of a workflow. This appears to be memory related, as when I restart the service the issue clears temporarily. After...
View ArticleRe: Change in Network labels from 4.1 to 5.1?
Anyone have an idea? I was able to workaround by coding logic to strip out anything after the '(' but would like to know what changed...
View ArticleRe: Bring back VMTN Subscription?
Hi All I had an interesting discussion with two local IT companies that used to attend the local VMUGs but requested last year to be taken off the contact list. They had their partner status removed so...
View ArticleRe: Vmware Autodeploy with host profile not work
Moderator note: Moved to the ESXi forum area as this is a technical issue.
View ArticleVmtools and ThinPrint
We are experiencing issues with ThinPrint on VM s. Whenever VMTools is updated, ThinPrint fails. Anyone seen ths?
View Article