Re: Looking for the footer to un-register
If you wanna follow then you have to login otherwise you can't follow the thread. abirhasan
View ArticleRe: Mcafee virusscan plus is now not supported?
Pease have a look... abirhasan
View ArticleRe: disk I/O 100%???
And where do you see disk I/O 100%?All I see is disk-transfer up to 100kB/sec (48kB/sec at the moment you took screenshot)...
View ArticleRe: 3.0.1 download?
Could you please give little bit detail of your thread? Thanks abirhasan
View ArticleRe: unable to create virtual machine on vmware server 2.0
Could you please read the vmware server 2.0 server release notes. Have a lok.. abirhasan
View ArticleRe: Issue with combo of VMWare Workstation, .vhd virtual drives, and 4K...
Many thanks. - Host OS is Windows 7 Enterprise- Guest OS is Windows Server 2008R2- On 9.0.0 because I was sloppy and didn't keep up with updates. I'll try latest and see if that fixes it, but I still...
View ArticleRe: How to restore missing vmdk file in fusion 5.0.1
Please have a look this kkkb may help.. abirhasan
View ArticleRe: Creating local domain for TEST
If you wanna get IP addres from DHCP server then you have go for Bridge networking configurations. Select you adaapter bridge mode and select your machine DHCP mode that may help you get IP address...
View ArticleRe: Scheduling problem - VCP5-IaaS
Here you goes your link... abirhasan
View ArticleRe: sound card passthrough and use in Win7 how?
Your most welcome. Since your problem is solved can you mark your question Correct or Helpful as required.
View ArticleRe: resize .vmdk
Have a look... abirhasan
View ArticleRe: After recreating a Widnows 2008r2 guest the vmxnet3 driver will not install
Can you try whats mentioned in the below blog VMware KB: Deploying Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7 templates with vmxnet3 renames the...
View ArticleRe: How to prepare for VCP 5 exam?
See also: abirhasan
View ArticleAfter recreating a Windows 2008r2 guest the vmxnet3 driver will not install
I had to move an existing guest to a new datastore and did this by removing the guest from the inventory, moving the files and was going to add it to the inventory when I realised the vmx file had...
View ArticleRe: OS X 10.9 Mavericks support
I have a new MacBook Air 2013 and installed OS X 10.9 Mavericks (DP5) and Fusion Pro 5.0.3 doesn't allow you to add the BOOTCAMP (Windows 8 Pro NTFS) directory. The error is: "No Boot Camp disks found"
View ArticlePublic IPs with vCloud director
Based on Everything i have read, i am pretty sure the answer is no, but would appreciate if someone could confirm. We have a /19 of public IP address space. We have a /24 of that already setup on a...
View ArticleRe: アラームのOIDは?(ホストのCPU使用率、ホストのメモリ使用率、データストア上のディスク使用率)
こんばんは。 ESXi 50台は、わりと規模が大きい方だと思うのでちょっと無理してでも、検証環境があったほうが、将来的に安心だと思います。 ただ、その場しのぎであれば、最近のPCは結構スペックが良いので意外とオフィスにあるPCを1~2台つかわせてもらうだけでもお試し環境ができそうな気がします。※当然ベンダサポートはされませんが、検証できないよりはマシなので・・・...
View ArticleRe: "Non-system disk or disk error" after ESXi 5.1 installation
For some reason my Notebook doesn't let me boot from the gParted live CD either. I tried the CD on another PC, it works fine there.
View ArticleRe: Herramientas terceros y Backup
Estoy de acuerdo con el compañero leonhardtla, es la forma recomendada por vmware, pero a mi humilde forma de ver, usar VUM, es como matar moscas a cañonazos.En un entorno de pequeño, con 2/3 hosts...
View ArticleCan I add new hosts to an HA cluster which is partitioned?
I have a stretched cluster with a single vCenter server. Everything is v5.0. I understand that if the network and storage used for heartbeats between the sites becomes isolated that a new master node...
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